Thursday, April 3, 2008

Flickr---Interesting Image

To be quite honest I am blogging about this photo because I found it to be very peculiar. Well to start off the girl on the left has pink hair, is it usual in Japan for people to have random pink hair? Another thing I found interesting about this photo was that the girls were tan. I don't know if it's just me or not but I always thought that Japanese people were pale, very fair skinned and not tan at all, that's kinda why I found this strange. Other than that they look like they are the popular snobby type that are mean to your face and I really liked the colors in the photo. =] Well that's all I have to say about this one. Below is the link I found this at if you're wondering.


Sam the Teen Librarian said...

Ahh... you found a picture of the ganguro. :) They're really strange, aren't they? They tan to excess and tend to have their hair either light or really out there. Also, they usually wear something like 6 inch heels all the time. You should see them in person!

I personally prefer the gothic lolita japanese trend!

Robyn@BKY said...

yeah me too i find them kinda strange i prefer the gothic and punk lolita as well